The City of Parramatta is growing rapidly, with the city’s population set to nearly double in the 20 year period from 2016 to 2036. To manage this growth, Council has developed a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) which provides a vision and strategic direction to ensure the city is well-planned, liveable, productive and sustainable into the future.
Alongside the LSPS, Council also developed a Local Housing Strategy (LHS) which maps out areas for housing growth and ensures a range of housing styles cater to the needs of Parramatta’s diverse community.
Also alongside the LSPS is the Employment Lands Strategy – Review and Update (2020) which updates the vison for all of the City’s employment land precincts contained in the endorsed Employment Lands Strategy (2016).
The combined vision for the city in these Strategies is to build-on and celebrate its unique identity, to provide housing choice, jobs and transport to support a lifestyle that is inclusive, vibrant and welcoming – and for Council to make an ongoing contribution to local communities through improved facilities and services.
Consultation findings and next steps
In late 2019, Council sought feedback on the Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) and Draft Local Housing Strategy (LHS).
We had a very strong response to the feedback opportunity, with 495 survey responses received and 86 open submissions provided to Council.
The Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) was approved by Council on 23 March 2020 while the Local Housing Strategy (LHS) and Employment Lands Strategy – Review and Update were approved on 13 July 2020. These documents are in effect.
To learn more about the key data on the feedback received from the consultation period, please click on the image below.
To learn more about what we heard throughout the consultation period, please click on the image below.