In partnership with Transport for NSW, City of Parramatta Council is proposing to install 60° angled commuter car parking spaces and a new footpath on the south side of Wentworth Avenue west of Railway Street, Wentworthville.
The purpose of the proposal is to provide an additional 15 unrestricted parking spaces in the street.
Please note that the existing parallel parking spaces on the north side of Wentworth Avenue will remain unchanged.

Project Update
City of Parramatta Council previously consulted with residents and businesses regarding a proposal to install angled parking spaces in Wentworth Avenue, Wentworthville. Council received eight (8) responses, with six (6) agreeing and two (2) providing a neutral response.
To ensure input from key transport authorities, this matter was considered by members of the Parramatta Traffic Committee, which includes representatives from the Police, Transport for NSW (TfNSW), Public Transport providers and City of Parramatta’s Traffic and Transport Services Unit.
As a result of the Committee members’ deliberation, it was resolved:
That Council install 32 x 60 degree angle car parking spaces including two accessible spaces with associated signs, linemarkings, shared space and bollard on the south side of Wentworth Avenue west of Railway Street, Wentworthville as shown in the attached plan.
The purpose of the proposal is to increase the number of unrestricted car parking spaces near Wentworthville Railway Station. This project is 100% funded by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
The approved works are expected to be completed by July 2022.