The name options come from two sources:
- Urhig Road Community Centre is a reference to the centre's physical location, Uhrig Road, named after the late Leslie Earl Uhrig.
- Yarra Community Centre was researched and developed through a process of consultation with Traditional Owners the Baramadagal people including consultation with the broader Dharug community. Consultation focused on selecting a culturally appropriate name rooted in Dharug language that is also inclusive and easy to pronounce for all community members.
Council's process is to propose and prepare names in accordance with the NSW Geographical Names Board. The NSW Geographical Names Board encourages place names that reflect the heritage, cultures and identity of a site which makes the place distinctive and memorable for residents and the wider community. As per the NSW Geographical Names Board process, research has been undertaken to identify significant stories and histories of the area.
The NSW Geographical Names Board has a number of criteria and rules in place, which make it difficult for some name submissions to be effective. For example, name suggestions must be as site specific and contextually accurate as possible, not have duplicates within a 10km radius, not reference a living person and must also meet emergency services, postal and navigation requirements.
To assess the eligibility of your suggestion click here.
Council will review the community feedback and confirm the final selection before submitting to the NSW Geographical Names Board for consideration and endorsement.
The brand new community centre in the Carter Street Precinct will deliver the following:
- A hall and event space for community and commercial hire - great for health & well-being classes and community and social celebrations
- More space devoted to quiet study with wi-fi access, smart technology features, study desks and comfortable seating with extended hours
- Flexible bookable spaces for meetings, workshops and community social gatherings and functions
- A multi-purpose community space to foster creation, connection, learning and sharing.
- Digital library e-resources and services
- Photocopying and printing services
- A community accessible kitchen for functions and events
- Welcoming and inclusive contemporary design and fully accessible
In 2022, the Carter Street Precinct population was 3,769. The masterplan provides for 6200 dwellings and a population of 12,000 by 2041 within half a kilometre.
The building is still under construction. Council is getting ready to commence the fit-out in 2024 and aiming to open the centre in mid-2025. Right now we are in the consult and design phase.
We'd like the community to help us finalise the brief. At the moment we have made provision for:
- An online borrowing and returns service for City of Parramatta library members
- Bookable spaces for large and small groups
- A small kitchen for serving food in the bookable spaces
- Study / work spaces
- Photocopying, printing, wifi and internet access
No, the building at 4-8 Uhrig Street will have a separate, commercially-run child care centre. Programming at the Council-run community centre will provide recreational activities - not formal child care.
This centre will not have a full service library due to space constraints.
There will be a click and collect borrowing and returns service for City of Parramatta library members.
24-hour study access has been successfully introduced at Wentworth Point Community Centre. People using this study area after hours must be library members and gain access to the centre with their library card. A similar service is proposed for Carter Street Community Centre, subject to approvals.
The proposed operating model for this centre is self-service / unstaffed. It will be open during the day and accessed by pin and library card after business hours for evening programs, functions and study sessions.
The kitchen is not commercial grade. It will be equipped with a fridge, microwave and dishwasher and shared by visiting groups. Catering for functions will need to be prepared off-site and delivered.
Carter Street Precinct is a high-density neighbourhood. We expect most people will be able to walk to the centre or take advantage of public transport. There are four car spaces allocated under the building for service providers who need to deliver / unload.
No, this is a community facility owned and managed by Council serving the neighbourhood.
The total area is determined by the basement and services within the building and there is no scope to increase the overall size of the centre.
City of Parramatta's Terms and Conditions for venue hire will apply to users at the venue. Terms and Conditions include matters such as number of guests, noise and rubbish removal. You can read Council's Terms and Conditions for the use of Public Halls, Community and Recreation Centres and Meeting Rooms here.
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