Eastern Parramatta River - Cyclist and Pedestrian Improvement Project

Project background

The Eastern Parramatta River project brings together a program of pedestrian and cyclist amenity and safety improvements along the Parramatta River foreshore paths east of the CBD. It also looks to expand facilities allowing more of the community to comfortably use these boardwalks and paths. A number of these planned works were requested by our community.

Designed to capitalise on the popularity of the Parramatta Valley Cycleway along the Parramatta River foreshore, this exciting project sees a total of 2.8km of improved paths alongside the river, providing the community more opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty of the Parramatta River.

The Eastern Parramatta River project is proposing improvements in five key locations:

  1. Rangihou Reserve, Parramatta
  2. Baludarri Wetlands, Parramatta
  3. Reid Park, Rydalmere
  4. Royal Shores, Ermington
  5. George Kendall Riverside Park, Ermington

Across all the parkland sites, either upgrades to the shared path, or separated pedestrian and cyclist paths, are proposed.

Native tree planting and in some areas new native garden beds and seating are part of the proposed works.

At Balundarri Wetlands, the concept design responds to the environmental sensitivity of the area with low level LED lighting proposed on one side of the boardwalk to provide lighting with minimal light spill into the surrounding wetlands and bushland.

Similarly, new light poles planned for the existing shared pathway will be collared LED lights ensuring minimal spillage into the local environment whilst making the pathway visible for users. The new lights will complete the lighting of the foreshore paths from the CBD to the Western Sydney University campus at Rydalmere. New light poles are proposed for Rangihou Reserve.

The Eastern Parramatta River project is funded by the NSW Government in association with the City of Parramatta. The $9M project is expected to be delivered over two years.

Public exhibition now closed

Learn more about this project in our Frequently Asked Questions and download the concept design from the Resources section of this page.

Submissions were welcomed until5pm on Thursday 21 November 2024

Following consideration of submissions, a report and recommendation will be made to Council. Please FOLLOW (click the button located in the top right of the screen) this page to receive updates on the project.

If you have any questions or would like information supplied in another language or format, please contact the Eastern Parramatta River project team via 1300 617 058 or participate@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au.

Frequently asked questions