Epping Town Centre Master Plan

Project Overview

Stage one consultation on the Epping Town Centre Master Plan closed at 5pm on Wednesday 18 December 2024. Stay tuned for a more detailed round of community consultation early in 2025!

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On Monday 12 August 2024 Council resolved to prepare a Master Plan for the western part of the Epping Town Centre, to clearly define a vision for its future development and mechanisms to achieve that vision. This will include the analysis of the Rawson Street car park site for the future provision of public car parking and community and recreational uses and providing a clear link between Rawson Street and Boronia Park.

The master plan will consider:

  • Laneways, access, and circulation within the centre, including between Beecroft Road and Rawson Street and consideration of broader connections to public open space and amenity
  • The potential built form character of the area
  • Opportunities to address common issues, such as traffic and accessibility and the interplay with built form and public domain areas
  • The potential future role of Council’s Rawson Street car park site for the future provision of public car parking and community and recreational uses.

Council has previously heard from the Epping Community through engagement between 2017 and 2024, about the things it likes, dislikes, and recommends for the Epping Town Centre. These are summarised below.


Community consultation and next steps

In late 2024, Council invited the community of Epping to confirm their aspirations for this area through a short survey. The results of this survey, along with insights from previous community engagement for the wider Epping area, will assist Council in establishing an early draft vision and urban design principles for the Master Plan.

These will then be brought back to the community through a more detailed round of community consultation early in 2025. Your feedback will then inform a draft Master Plan. The draft Master Plan will subsequently be placed on public exhibition for further comment.