Duck River Nature Trail

Duck River Nature Trail Stage 2 now open for feedback (WICR346)

One of the City of Parramatta’s most ambitious projects for 2024 to 2028 is the $28.5M+ Duck River Nature Trail. To be delivered in three stages, the project will enhance the quality of our riverside landscapes. When complete, it will allow everyone in the community to walk and ride along both sides of Duck River and appreciate its natural beauty, ecology, and rich heritage. 

Scroll down to About the project and Answers to frequently asked questions to learn more.

Stage 2 proposed options

Stage Two of the Duck River Nature Trail (Eastern Streets North near Silverwater Park, and Eastern Streets South nearthe M4) proposed to deliver pedestrian and cyclist paths on local streets where the foreshore is inaccessible. When complete, residents, workers, and visitors to the Parramatta LGA will be able to safely use these paths to access the Duck River foreshore.

Stage Two uses the streets between Holker Street and Clyde Street in the north, and Junction Street, in the south, to create safe and comfortable walking and riding environments. The proposed improvements include:

  • Raised priority crossings for pedestrians and cyclists

  • Additional street planting

  • Installation of lighting to improve safety

  • Separated pedestrian and cyclist paths as well as shared paths where space is limited

Changed conditions are proposed for seven local streets including on-street parking and traffic flow, particularly for trucks longer than 19m. To keep streets as wide as possible (and to minimise changes to traffic conditions for large trucks) there are two different proposals for streets north of Holker Street:

  • Option one repurposes 61 on-street parking spaces (from a total of 287) on one side of five (5) streets. Based on comprehensive video counts of street parking, this is about equal to the spare parking capacity in this area.
  • Option two retains parking on both sides of Picken Street and Blaxland Street by making Pickens Street one-way southbound, and Blaxland Street one-way eastbound. This minimises the reduction in parking spaces to approximately 41 spaces.

Please see the resources section for detailed plans. The interactive map* outlines further details on the proposal.To provide feedback on the proposed design, please click on the map, drop a pin and post a comment.

Have your say and provide feedback on Duck River Nature Trail Stage 2!

Feedback on Stage Two and the proposed options is welcome until 5pm on Tuesday 18 March 2025. You can have your say:

  • Via the interactive map* - please click on the interactive map and make a comment on specific features of the design and/or the overall proposed design; or
  • Using the online submission form

For other ways to get involved, scroll down for verbal, postal and email submission options.

Council officers will also be hosting two pop-up sessions at Silverwater Park (2 Clyde Street, Silverwater) at the following times should you wish to have an in-person discussion or find out more:

  • Saturday 15 February 2025 (10am – 2pm), and
  • Wednesday 26 February 2025 (10am – 2pm)
*Please note the interactive map will NOT WORK on mobile phones.

Click on the map below to explore the proposed concept and provide comments on Stage Two of the project. Please use the left hand side bar to toggle between option one and option two. For further instructions on how to use the map, please refer to the Map User Guide in the Resources section.

The $28.5m Duck River Nature Trail project is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with the City of Parramatta. Funded through the Western Sydney Infrastructure Grant Program and Transport for New South Wales Get Active NSW, the project is expected to open in three stages from 2025 to 2028.

Next steps

Following consideration of submissions, a report and recommendation will be made to Council.

Please FOLLOW this page (click the button at the top right of the page) to receive updates on the project.

If you have any questions, or would like information supplied in another language or format, please contact the Duck River Nature Trail project team via 1300 617 058 or

Other ways to provide a submission

Subject: Duck River Nature Trail - Stage Two


City of Parramatta Council
Attn: Transport Planning
Subject: Duck River Nature Trail - Stage Two
PO Box 32, Parramatta NSW 2124

Please ensure that you clearly state your full name, contact details and address.


Please note that the verbal submission option is being offered for those who cannot provide or may find it difficult to provide a written submission.

Duck River is the most significant north-south watercourse in Parramatta. A natural green corridor with thriving saltmarsh and mangrove colonies, it connects the City of Parramatta with City of Canterbury Bankstown and Cumberland City Council.

To be delivered in three stages, generous new boardwalks and pedestrian and cyclist paths along the eastern edge of Duck River, will create access to the foreshore and enhance the quality of our riverside landscapes.

The project will contribute to a more accessible, healthy and connected community that will have a greater visibility and awareness of the environment.

Supported by the NSW Government through the Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program and Transport for New South Wales Get Active NSW, Stage One Silverwater Park is expected to be open to the public in mid-2025.

Artist's impression of Duck River nature trail

Artist's impression of Duck River nature trail

Stage One outcomes

Thank you to everyone who participated in providing feedback on concept designs for Stage One in August 2024. Stage One focused on Silverwater Park introducing separated paths for pedestrians and cyclists. Other improvements included: lighting; bicycle parking and a maintenance stand; a water fountain; tree planting and more bench seating. 

Following public exhibition, Stage One of the Duck River Nature Trail was reported and endorsed by Council on 11 November 2024. A copy of the Council report can be found in the resources section of this page. Stage One of the project is planned to commence construction on site late March 2025 and open to the public in mid-2025.

Stage Three future engagement 

There will be more opportunities for the community to provide input into the design process for the Duck River Nature Trail.

Foreshore pedestrian and cyclist paths are planned on both sides of Duck River as part of Stage Three, where the project also includes boardwalks and bridges. Concept designs will be made available as part of a community consultation program anticipated to be run in the middle of 2025.

Frequently asked questions

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