Parramatta Night City Framework 2020-2024

Frequently Asked Questions

The 'night time economy' is considered to be all economic activity that occurs between the hours of 5pm and 5am (outside of standard business or daylight hours).


The way the city looks and feels at 5pm is very different to how it looks and feels at 12am and beyond. We need to consider the differences in the city’s feel and activity as it gets later and darker. These important considerations need further investigation so trading hours and activities are planned appropriately.

In developing the draft framework, Council has listened to community comment from the Night Time Economy Discussion Paper (2017). The community told us the night time economy extends beyond economic and business activity and must consider all the elements that build the city at night. This includes community safety, public transport and accessibility, night friendly public space, arts and culture, as well as regulation.

The Parramatta Night City Framework has been the result of significant consultation with the community, local businesses, visitors, workers, young people and targeted stakeholders, brought together to develop the Night Time Economy Discussion Paper (2017). Further research was undertaken in September 2018 to validate the community sentiment expressed in the discussion paper. Refinements to the draft framework were made in response to all feedback received so far.


The draft framework has also considered local, national and international examples of best practice in planning for cities at night and aligns with NSW Government policies and programs.


Council has sought feedback on the draft framework from the wider community, including support for the proposed actions and policy matters as well as comments on potential gaps. Council is open to hearing any concerns around the framework, and will consider suggestions from the community for additional actions to be included.

Council recognises specific actions are required to address concerns around safety at night. The framework includes initiatives to address these concerns including increasing and upgrading Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in response to crime trends, improving lighting in key public spaces and reviewing alcohol-free zones. Actions to improve night time safety can be viewed in the FULL framework.

The finalised and endorsed framework will now be implemented in collaboration with partners and the community over the next five (5) years. The PNCF contains over 80 actions for Council across 6 focus areas:

  • Focus 1 – Planning for a future 24-hour CBD and late trading centres
  • Focus 2 – Parramatta as a centre of late-night business, leisure and culture
  • Focus 3 – A night city supported by infrastructure
  • Focus 4 – Promoting Parramatta as a thriving night time destination
  • Focus 5 – Keeping our city safe and engaging our community
  • Focus 6 – Parramatta as a leading night city


​For more information about this project, please contact the project team via email or call (02) 9806 5538.